The Natural Language Processing Laboratory at the Technion Computer Science Faculty conducts research in various areas of NLP. Current focus areas are:
- Interpretability
- Robustness
- NLP for the humanities
- NLP for Semitic languages, especially Hebrew and Arabic
- Biological language models
In addition to research activities, the laboratory also offers basic and advances courses:
- Introduction to Natural Language Processing
- Seminar in Natural Language Processing
- Introduction to Machine Learning
- Introduction to Transformers
Seeking to join the NLP lab? See here.
Recent News
- 1/12/2024: Zorik Gekhman from the Technion is giving a talk.
- 24/11/2024: Or Patashnik from Tel Aviv University is giving a talk.
- 10/10/2024: Yossi Gandelsman from UC Berkeley is giving a talk.
- 9/9/2024: The lab organized an open evening for female candidates interested in graduate studies in AI and ML.
- 19/9/2024: Tal, Hadas, and Yonatan participated in the the New England Mechanistic Interpretability Workshop.
- 8/7/2024: The lab organized a workshop on NLP and Digital Humanities.
- 4/3/2024: Mosh Levy from Bar-Ilan University is giving a talk.
- 3/3/2024: Ofir Press from Princeton University is giving a talk.
- 26/2/2024: Jaden Fiotto-Kaufman from Northeastern University is giving a talk.
- 14/1/2024: Shauli Ravfogel from Bar-Ilan University is giving a talk.
- 7/1/2024 : Royi Rassin from Bar-Ilan University is giving a talk.
- 21/6/2023: Chen Shani (HUJI) is giving a talk.
- 5/6/2023: NLP night at the CS faculty
- 5/6/2023: Leshem Choshen is giving talk.
- 29/5/2023: Mor Geva (Google) is giving a talk.
- 22/5/2023: Yonatan Bitton (HUJI) is giving a talk.
- 20/4/2023: Adam Kalai (MSR) is giving a talk.
- 19/4/2023: Hadas Orgad is participating in a Council of Europe panel on AI and Gender
- 5/2/2023: Ryan Cotterell (ETH) is giving a talk.
- 30/1/2023: Rishi Bommasani (Stanford) is giving a remote talk.
- 29/1/2023: Yonatan is giving an invited talk at Google India Research Week
- 1/2023: Our research on an Interpretable Control of AI has been covered in the news [ynet, Perfil]
- 14/12/2022: Aaron Mueller (JHU) is giving a talk.
- 12/12/2022: David Bau (Northeastern) is giving a talk.